Monday, December 12, 2011



Common Nouns

  • Nouns can be names of people : baby, teacher, aunt, son.
  • Nouns can be names of place : school, town, restaurant.
  • Nouns can be names of animals : tiger, mouse, giraffe.
  • Nouns can be names of things : car, pen, radio, paper.

Proper Nouns

Proper nouns are special names for people, places, animals and things.
They start with capital letters.

e.g :
  • people : Teng Teng, Mohandas, Miss Chow.
  • places : SJK T Thiruvalluvar, Teluk Intan, Bintang Plaza.
  • animals : Felix, Mickey.
  • things : Proton Waja, Toshiba.


a) Miss Fong teaches us English.  ( RIGHT )

    miss fong teaches us english.  (WRONG)

b) We are going to Singapore in July. (RIGHT)

    we are going to singapore in july. (WRONG)

c)  My pet cat is called Kitty. (RIGHT)
     my pet cat is called kitty. (WRONG)

d)  She has a Proton Saga. (RIGHT)

     She has a proton saga. (WRONG)

e) I have an uncle. (RIGHT)

    I have an Uncle. (WRONG)

f)  The field is not far from here. (RIGHT)

    The Field is not far from here. (WRONG)